Large-Scale Multimedia Analysis

11775, Fall 2023

Instructors: Alex Hauptmann, Zhi-Qi Cheng

Home People Syllabus Homeworks Project

  • The goal of the assignments is to make sure that the fundamentals of multi-media retrieval are understood by all participants.
  • There are 3 homework assignments over the semester, where you will typically have two weeks' time to work on each.
  • Submission will be on Kaggle and Canvas.
  • See policies on deadlines below.
  • See policies on collaboration below - each homework is an individual assignment.

Deadlines and Lateness

Homework (assignments and exercises) and term project results are worth full credit at the beginning of the class on the due date. Unless granted an extension in advance, it is worth at most 75% credit for the next 48 hours, at most 50% credit after that. If you need an extension, please ask for it as soon as the need for it is known. Extensions that are requested promptly can be granted more liberally. You must turn in all assignments.

Collaboration among Students

We encourage collaboration between students and studying materials in groups when the purpose of this is to facilitate learning, not to circumvent problems. It is allowed to seek help from other students in understanding the material needed to solve a particular problem. However, students must submit individual material and solutions, unless otherwise specified. Students should declare any collaboration on the first page of homework assignments (or equivalently on exercises). If the instructors believe the collaboration is improper, your grade may be affected. Collaboration without full disclosure will be handled in compliance with CMU's Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism. If in doubt, ask!